Everyone loved George Fulton in George ka Pakistan and couldn’t get enough of him! Shaniera Akram on the other hand is always talking about how much she loves being in Pakistan. Together, Shaniera and George make videos based on their knowledge and experiences of living in Pakistan and honestly, they’re the cutest, funniest little things we’ve every seen! The videos feature George and Shaniera competing against each other and sharing their hilarious experiences as they go about it.
- Sometimes they’re busy identifying fruits:
After the sabzi challenge, it’s time for George and Shaniera to do the phul challenge! Do they know their kharbooza from…
Posted by George Fulton on Saturday, May 25, 2019
- Some days we see them struggling to thread naaras 😂
You knew it was going to happen sometime – yes, we are doing the one minute Naara challenge! Who is the quickest to thread a Naara in less than a minute?! George ya Shaniera? Watch in this latest episode @therealgeorgefulton @iamshaniera #karachi #georgeandshaniera #Pakistan #desigeorge #georgekapakistan #naarachallenge #pakistaniculture #georgevsshaniera Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2EOU3jNFollow George Fulton: Facebook: https://facebook.com/therealgeorgefulton Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealgeorgefu… YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/desigeorgeTwitter: https://twitter.com/GeorgeFulton1 For George & Shaniera: Facebook: https://facebook.com/georgeandshaniera
Posted by George Fulton on Saturday, June 22, 2019
- Some days we see them struggle trying to name vegetables in Urdu:
Sabzi Challenge!
Baingun or Chukandar? Lauki ya Gajar? Watch our Sabzi Challenge and tell us who won? #BattleOfThePakistaniGoras #EngVAus #sabzichallenge @iamshaniera #karachi #shanieravsgeorge #Pakistan #desigeorge Produced by: Kiran Fulton, Directed by Sabeeh Ahmed, Khayaal Studios
Posted by George Fulton on Tuesday, November 27, 2018
- Watching them talk in Urdu is something we can watch for hours!
This time there is only one rule – Sawaal Urdu main, Jawab Urdu main. How well do you think we did? @therealgeorgefulton @iamshaniera #karachi #georgeandshaniera #Pakistan #desigeorge #georgekapakistan #urdu #sawaaljawab #urduisdifficult #didwereallysaythat #georgevsshaniera Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2EOU3jN Follow George Fulton: Facebook: https://facebook.com/therealgeorgefulton Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealgeorgefu… YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/desigeorgeTwitter: https://twitter.com/GeorgeFulton1 For George & Shaniera: Facebook: https://facebook.com/georgeandshaniera
Posted by George Fulton on Monday, April 1, 2019
- Some days they’re busy competing about Pakistani culture
The Ultimate Pakistani Culture Quiz!
How good is our knowledge of Pakistani culture? Click and find out now! @therealgeorgefulton @iamshaniera Esquires Coffee Pakistan #karachi #georgeandshaniera #Pakistan #desigeorge #urdulessons #urdu #georgekapakistan #pakistaniculture #ultimateculturequiz #georgevsshaniera Produced by: Kiran Fulton, Directed by Sabeeh Ahmed, Khayaal Studios
Posted by George Fulton on Saturday, March 2, 2019
- And they also love telling each other dad jokes 😂
You Laugh, You Lose!
This one is all about jokes, but only one rule – you’re not allowed to laugh! Who will survive? See how good you are! #dadjokes #hansnamanaahai #youlaughyoulose #lamejokes #georgeandshaniera @therealgeorgefulton @iamshaniera #karachi #Pakistan #desigeorge Produced by: Kiran Fulton, Directed by Sabeeh Ahmed, Khayaal Studios
Posted by George Fulton on Sunday, February 17, 2019
- Haha, some days George challenges google maps on pronounciations:
George vs Google Maps!
George takes on Google Maps! Find out which of them is better at pronouncing Karachi street names! @therealgeorgefulton #googlemaps #google #karachi #Pakistan #desigeorge #urduProduced by: Kiran Fulton, Directed by Sabeeh Ahmed, Khayaal Studios
Posted by George Fulton on Wednesday, February 13, 2019
- Their urdu vocabulary though 😂
George & Shaniera: Name the Picture Challenge!
We thought we should test our Urdu vocabulary on everyday items around the house. See how “well” we did in our “name the picture” challenge! @therealgeorgefulton @iamshaniera #karachi #georgeandshaniera #Pakistan #desigeorge #urdulessons #urduShaniera’s clothing courtesy of Daaman @daamandesignsProduced by: Kiran Fulton, Directed by Sabeeh Ahmed, Khayaal Studios
Posted by George Fulton on Sunday, February 10, 2019
- Hahaha, some days they’re busy guessing what Urdu muhaawray mean and we can’t stop laughing:
Urdu Sayings Returns!
Maan na maan … we are your mehmaan and we are back at your request with more Urdu sayings! Enjoy! George & ShaneiraShaniera's clothing courtesy Daaman @therealgeorgefulton @iamshaniera #karachi #georgeandshaniera #Pakistan #desigeorge #urdusayings #urduProduced by: Kiran Fulton, Directed by Sabeeh Ahmed, Khayaal Studios
Posted by George Fulton on Sunday, February 3, 2019
- And and and, they also try making gol rotis and end up making the funniest looking rotis:
Gol Roti Challenge
Who can make the best gol rotis? Does George have what it takes? Can Shaniera prove herself to be a good Bhabi? Watch George and Shaniera as they compete in making the ultimate kitchen staple. @therealgeorgefulton @iamshaniera @karachieat #karachi #georgeandshaniera #Pakistan #desigeorge #khieat19 #GolrotichallengeProduced by: Kiran Fulton, Directed by Vishal Ghauri and Usaid Ghauri
Posted by George Fulton on Monday, January 21, 2019
Which one’s your favorite? Let us know in the comments below! Also let us know if you’re team Shaniera or team George!