After a very controversial clip featuring Khalil ur Rehman Qamar bashing Marvi Sirmed went viral, the internet was literally shaking with #KhalilUrRehmanQamar being the top trend all day on Twitter. People were…

After a very controversial clip featuring Khalil ur Rehman Qamar bashing Marvi Sirmed went viral, the internet was literally shaking with #KhalilUrRehmanQamar being the top trend all day on Twitter. People were…
Aamir Liaquat is the undisputed king of controversies. Recently, he has been away to perform Umrah with his second wife Tuba Aamir and both have been keeping their fans updated through social…
Aamir Liaquat’s first wife Bushra Aamir has been hosting a special Ramzan transmission on HUM TV and PTV, she had always been an active part of what went behind the scenes during…