This video of a driverless car moving on its own drives everyone crazy, stirs debate!

New day, and there’s a whole new moot on social media! Recently this girl shared a video of a car being driven without a driver, and a man in the passenger seat with no hands on steering wheel and Pakistani social media has started a debate.

It was all good and Annie had us believing that there was no driver, and presented us with a few theories:

Annie also revealed that she had been eyeing the driverless Mira all the way from Gulshan to Shahrah-e-Faisal and had plenty of time to check:

It was all good, UNTIL, a ton of people came forward and quoted the tweet saying that they could clearly see a girl in the driving seat, I mean, WHAT?

I guess we’ll have to get our eyes tested…

Daya, pata lagao!

Haha, you can’t see him:


Stop bragging:

Okay, we still don’t see anyone 😭

I know right? The internet is a crazy place!


Dead 😂



Some had theories of their own:


Some thought it was Bhutto:


Kind of the only theory that makes a wee bit of sense:

Haha, 10/10 agree:


Okay then:

We’re losing our sleep over it:

We’re just as curious:

Some had jinns to blame:

Do you see anyone in the driving seat? Let us know in the comments below!

1 Comment
  1. I see no one on the driving seat. The guy that circled the woman’s head must be having some sort of hallucinations. Because clearly there is no one. Also, if the head is there where is the neck and the rest of the body? Is that invisible?

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