Pakistanis make it to BBC World headlines for slut shaming Dua Mangi

Ever since Dua Mangi was kidnapped, people have been commenting all sorts of things about her, from sending prayers to character assassination and what not. And as Dua Mangi returned safely to her parents, the judgements have really gotten out of hand.

People are curious to find out every little detail from when Dua Mangi was abducted and are demanding that the family reveals all details as they have the ‘right’ to know. Many have been commenting absolute nonsense calling it all a big drama. The vile comments were picked up by BBC and an article was published at BBC World:

The replies had people baffled:

The girls were horrified:

Some suggested that all girls be evacuated from Pakistan:

Some were calling out the triggered awaam:

People were angry at the men:

Some were pointing out why the news made it to international headlines:

People were calling the shaming men trash:

Many were happy about the fact that the word slut shaming was used:

Many shared how this was unfortunate but true at the same time:


So much for tabdeeli:

The vicious circle!

People agreed that the Pakistanis were being rightfully called out:

People were lauding the Pakistanis:

Some suggested how there’s a dire need of more Aurat marches:


Some were still blaming Dua for the badnaami:

Some were telling BBC to mind their own business:

What do you think about BBC calling out Pakistanis on their slut shaming? Let us know in the comments below!

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