The Senate just passed a bill granting paid maternity and paternity leaves and the internet has mixed reactions!

It’s being reported that the Senate passed the Maternity and Paternity Leave Bill, 2018, which makes it mandatory for employers to grant paid maternity and paternity leave to employees:

According to the bill, women will get paid maternity leave of 6 months on first birth, 4 months on second birth and 3 months on third birth. While men will get paid paternity leave for 30 days, a total of 3 times during service.

And the internet has mixed reaction to the news, many were ecstatic!

For many, it was a step in the right direction:

Many thought it was a great step to provide relief to the families:

People were proud of the decision:

Netizens were thanking the senate members for passing the bill:

Many were lauding the positivity in the country:

Some thought that if implemented, the bill will prove to be revolutionary:

Some found it unfavourable to the private sector:

People were comparing the leaves to other countries:

Many were concerned how organisations will stop hiring women:

Some were praying that the law actuallisbe implemented:

And while many were celebrating the news, many had their reservations:

Many thought it would lead to over-population:

Some were straight up against it:

Some were calling it disastrous:

People were thinking that people will use this as an excuse:

Some thought the private sector will get away not following the law:

The government however has opposed the bill stating that such lengthy maternity leave was not allowed in any part of the world and 90 days leave for working mothers is already permitted under the law.

What do you think about this bill? Let us know in the comments below!
The Senate just passed a bill granting paid maternity and paternity leaves and the internet has mixed reactions!

1 Comment
  1. Hi, would like to clarify this bill… This needs approval of Parliament and Government? or this is already effective and companies are now required to implement this? Thank you

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