People Look Back At The Things They Had At 18 & Now They Don’t, & The Replies Will Make You Think!

Things around us are almost always changing, and today tweeple are answering a very important question: things they had at 18 years of age which they don’t have now

And the replies will give you a new perspective on life!

Omg, yes 😭

Waqt waqayi bari qeemti cheez hai:

Okay wow, 10/10 can relate!

Oh man!

Yar 😭

The truth!


Friends and the quality time we spent with them making memories:

For some it was their hostel life, an experience in its own!

Them myths!

Youth, yes! Freedom, umm maybe not:

Never lose hope!

Come on!

For others?

Some mentioned the people they’d lost:

Most of the answers leaned towards losing the peace of mind:

What is it that you don’t have now? Let us know in the comments below!


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